University Course Planner The University of Adelaide Australia

SCIENCE 3510 - Science International Study Tour B

Career: Undergraduate
Units: 3
Term: 4420
Campus: North Terrace
Contact: Up to 52 hours structured learning activities per week for 3 weeks
Restriction: Students are required to have completed at least 36 units of study
Available for Study Abroad and Exchange: No
Available for Non-Award Study: No
Pre-Requisite: Entry into the course is based on GPA, written application and interview
Assessment: Pre-departure assessment, professional experience assessment task (reflective diary, field book or equivalent and post experience reflection task)

This course consists of an intensive overseas study tour introducing science students to international culture and society and providing an opportunity to visit an overseas partner institution, participate in academic seminars and/or cultural activities. The course is designed to develop students' skills in observation, reflection, induction, and deduction on discipline-specific issues in an international context, develop graduates' knowledge of international affairs, and gain confidence to work in one of a range of international environments. The focus of the student's intellectual attention will be her/his participation in a group activity influencing a scientific-related system and conducted outside of Australia. Students will learn to analyse intercultural experience critically and to develop their ability to communicate and empathise in an international context. As some of the tours are sponsored by specific industry bodies, they may want to be involved in the selection of students. In general, selection will be based on academic record, demonstrated ability to work well in groups and may include involvement in extracurricular activities and alignment to career aspirations.

Course Fees

To display course fees, please select your status and program below:

Student Status


What type of place are you studying in

Commonwealth supported
Full fee paying

Study Level

Postgraduate Coursework
Non Award

Program of Study

Study Abroad student tuition fees are available here

Only some Postgraduate Coursework programs are available as Commonwealth Supported. Please check your program for specific fee information.


Course Outline

A Course Outline which includes Learning Outcomes, Learning Resources, Learning & Teaching for this course may be accessed here

Critical Dates

Term Last Day to Add Online Census Date Last Day to WNF Last Day to WF
4420 Mon 05/08/2024 Wed 14/08/2024 Fri 13/09/2024 Fri 25/10/2024

Class Details

Enrolment Class: Unspecified
Class Nbr Section Size Available Dates Days Time Location
26083 01NT 0 FULL This class does not have any timetabled face-to-face sessions. Please check MyUni or contact your Course Coordinator for details.