The University of Adelaide
Faculties & Divisions
2024 Courses
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Semester 1
Clinical Practice IIOH Part 1
Teaching Hospitals
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ABLEINT - Faculty of ABLE WIL Courses
ABORIG - Aboriginal Studies
ACCTFIN - Accounting and Finance
ACCTING - Accounting
AGRIBUS - Agribusiness
AGRIC - Agriculture & Natural Resource
AGRONOMY - Agronomy
AN BEHAV - Animal Behaviour
ANAT SC - Anatomical Sciences
ANIML SC - Animal Science
ANTH - Anthropology
APP DATA - Applied Data Analytics
APP MTH - Applied Mathematics
ARCH - Architecture
ARTH - Art History
ARTS - Humanities & Social Sciences
ASIA - Asian Studies
AUST - Australian Studies
BIOCHEM - Biochemistry
BIOINF - Bioinformatics
BIOLOGY - Biology
BIOMED - Biomedical
BIOMENG - Biomedical Engineering
BIOPRENG - Bioprocess Engineering
BIOSTATS - Biostatistics
BIOTECH - Biotechnology
BUSANA - Business Analytics
BUSINESS - Business
CHEM - Chemistry
CHEM ENG - Chemical Engineering
CHIN - Chinese
CIVILENG - Civil Engineering
CLAS - Classics
COMMERCE - Commerce
COMMGMT - Management
COMMLAW - Commercial Law
COMP SCI - Computer Science
CONMGNT - Construction Management
CORPFIN - Corporate Finance
CRIM - Criminology
CRWR - Creative Writing
CULTST - Cultural Studies
CYBER - Cyber Security
DATA - Data Science
DENT - Dentistry
DESST - Design Studies
DEVT - Development Studies
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
ELEC ENG - Electrical & Electronic Eng
ENG - Engineering
ENGL - English
ENTREP - Entrepreneur & Innovation
ENV BIOL - Environmental Biology
ENV ENG - Environmental Engineering
EXCHANGE - Exchange
FILM - Film
FOOD SC - Food Science
FREN - French
GEND - Gender Studies
GENETICS - Genetics
GEOG - Geography
GEOLOGY - Geology
GERM - German
HEALTH - Health
HIST - History
HLTH SC - Health Sciences
HORTICUL - Horticulture
INDO - Indonesian
INTBUS - International Business
ITAL - Italian
JAPN - Japanese
LARCH - Landscape Architecture
LAW - Law
LING - Linguistics
MANAGEMT - Management
MARKETNG - Marketing
MAT ENG - Materials Engineering
MATHS - Mathematical Sciences
MDIA - Media
MECH ENG - Mechanical Engineering
MEDIC ST - Medical Studies
MGRE - Modern Greek
MICRO - Microbiology
MINING - Mining Engineering
MUSCLASS - Classical Performance
MUSCOMP - Music Composition
MUSEP - Music Education & Pedagogy
MUSEUM - Curatorial and Museum Studies
MUSGEN - Music General
MUSHONS - Honours Music
MUSICOL - Musicology
MUSJAZZ - Jazz Performance
MUSONIC - Sonic Arts
MUSPERF - Performance
MUSPOP - Popular Music
MUSSUPST - Supporting Studies
MUSTHEAT - Music Theatre
NURSING - Nursing
OB&GYNAE - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
OCCTH - Occupational Therapy
ODONT - Odontology
OENOLOGY - Oenology
ORALHLTH - Oral Health
PAEDIAT - Paediatrics
PALAEO - Palaeontology
PATHOL - Pathology
PETROENG - Petroleum Engineering
PETROGEO - Petroleum Geology & Geophysics
PHARM - Pharmacology
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYSICS - Physics
PHYSIOL - Physiology
PHYSIOTH - Physiotherapy
PLANT SC - Plant Science
POLICY - Public Policy
POLIS - Politics and Intl Relations
PPE - Philosophy, Politics & Econ
PROF - Professions
PROJMGNT - Project Management
PROP - Property
PSYCHIAT - Psychiatry
PSYCHOL - Psychology
PUB HLTH - Public Health
PURE MTH - Pure Mathematics
SCIENCE - Science
SOCI - Sociology
SOCSCI - Social Sciences
SOIL&WAT - Soil & Water
SPAN - Spanish
SPATIAL - Spatial
SPEECH - Speech Pathology
STATS - Statistics
STEM - Science, Tech, Eng & Math
SURGERY - Surgery
TESOL - Teach Eng to Stdnt of Oth Lang
TRADE - Trade
UAC - University of Adelaide College
UACOL - University of Adelaide College
VET SC - Vet Science
VET TECH - Veterinary Technology
VITICULT - Viticulture
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